It is our quality policy to supply to our customers parts manufactured by O.W. Landergren, Inc. complete with all paper work, on time delivery and “Defect Free.” This is done by stressing the importance of teamwork and dignity of the individual worker and the importance of each member of the work force and their desire to adhere to the contracting company’s needs and requirements.
Quality planning starts at the time of quotation by getting our concerns and customer’s requirements defined. Management sets up operational processes to be followed with characteristics that are most promising for improvement and targets potential problem areas. Any deviations needed for manufacturing are noted on quotation request as exceptions.
Employee contribution is an integrated part for the success of the manufacturing procedures made out by senior management (called a routing sheet). This routing sheet is used as a guideline throughout the manufacturing process. Employees are encouraged to add their own notes to the routing sheet for future references or changes that they feel will be beneficial to achieve a better quality part. These changes will be reviewed by our material review board, making the decision to add suggested procedures to the routing sheets. To support this value, we believe that there is no best way to manufacture any part or run any procedure – there are only better ways.
Our company is not a standard within the manufacturing industry, due to short runs and quality requirements from our customers so we have developed a precise way to identify opportunities. This is done by onsite evaluation, through operator control, correlated to the manufacturing process taking place. This process enables us to put the responsibility of quality control where it belongs, in manufacturing, making it possible to concentrate on prevention, rather than running around putting out fires. Group leaders in each section, working hand in hand, play a vital role in the success of this approach to quality, so no procedural change will take place that will interfere with any other operational procedure performed throughout the manufacturing process.